Boxing Academy
“Rhythm is everything in boxing. Every move you make starts with your heart and that’s in rhythm or you’re in trouble”-Sugar Ray
Life is changing fast. Fifty years ago things moved slowly. People had a lot of leisure and it was totally free. Now all activities and virtues are having god worth. NPS provides students those all opportunities which draw their all potential efforts.
NPS is only one school in Karnal which provides boxing academy to their students. It relieves the students’ boredom in life. Boxing ensures them proper growth of their personalities. It helps them in physical, mental and moral development. The fight is won or lost far away from witnesses.
In order to be at the top and maintain their focus they have to have something that motivates them. For Nirmalities it is what that perceives as a respect from the boxing world as well as the media which make them to work so hard and be great.
Recently Sagar of XI Arts achieved silver medal in Inter Center Competition, Vivek of VIII won at state level in boxing and Sunil of XI Arts won bronze medal in PAYKA Championship at State Level.