Co-Curricular Activity

Creativity, collaboration and imagination are at its best in nirmal public school. Our students brainstorm on possible solutions to the point of view statements. They frame as a part of their design thinking challenge. Nirmal public school, we deliver content that is on par with the global curriculum built by our own in house curriculum team who also ensure that learning is fun filled, contemporary and meaningful with a focus on content, experiences, strategies.

Music And Dance

Music is the soul of India. It is rightly said that no education is complete without the glimpse of ancient tradition of music and dance. NPS provides training in variety of disciplines in music and dance in which the children have freedom to choose.

Music, especially group singing, reflects the spirit of the place and is a part of the life in campus and helps in inculcating and fine tuning aesthetic sensibilities in the children. The school can boost of high quality cultural departments.

The school has all the required instruments for he children to try their hands at. Proper guidance is available to students who want to pursue serious music and dance of their choice. Every child is encouraged to learn at least one instrument or dance. The department has been instrumental in helping the pupils of the school to win various prestigious awards. Winning prizes in major singing and dance competitions speak volumes about the musical and dance talents of NPS students. Vocal music and dance-Indian Classical, Western Dance and Folk. Instrumental music-Keyboard, Guitar, Violin, Tabla, Flute, Mandolin, Harmonium, School brass band.

Art and Craft


Art and Craft department helps to work out the divinity that is busy within young, creative and innovative minds.

In terms of self-expression and interpersonal skills, the art and craft group an important part of school’s holistic ideals.

Most importantly, NPS’s Art and Craft department gives the chance to young minds to work and express their innermost thoughts, imaginations, creativity etc. in their craft work.

The school has many facilities for the arts, housed in our Arts center where students are taught crafts like hand embroidery, clay modeling, paper Mache, pottery designing, terracotta, painting etc.

The Fine Art room provides a perfect ambiance to the students to enhance their aesthetic skills. The Art and Craft society of NPS is extremely active where students learn to work with varied sections. The departments of Arts and Crafts are also active in hosting exhibitions of artwork produced by children on a regular basis.

The children are encouraged to work and experiment with various mediums like oil, water, crayon etc.