From The Desk Of Principal

The education today has acquired a whole new perspective. Rapid structural changes, Profound technical innovations and globalization of the economy has affected human life through out the world. With the tremendous change in technology and the rapid flow of information. Present day teachers are the first generation in human history to face the mammoth task of preparing today child to cope with learning society. Getting students involved in teaching learning process has been a big challenge for teachers. The aim of education today is to create men and women who are capable of doing new things ;not simply repeating what past generation has done. Students today live and breathe technology. So, understanding their full education potential is vital and then putting new technology into educational practices is very important. The education system today is focused on the CHILD. Child centered education is not just about burdening the Child by assigning more activities. Infact it leads to empowering children to construct situations in a way that their motivation and curiosity is aroused. Children learn well when they are doing. The approaches like activities based learing ,peer learning and learning in group, work better with children today.
In child centered approach; there is recognition that self learning encourages the child to develop deeper understanding of the content. This approach aims to nurture children’s original thinking. Only mugging up the lessons do not serve the purpose of education which most of the student try to do these days. Children need to devote sufficient time in self study and reading more books. Connecting learning with deeper understanding gives a diverse experience to the children. It also develops their cognitive skills.
In the emerging scenario, students are to be made independent enquires creative thinkers, relective learners, team workers, self managers, effective participation and above all men of values and high character. The teacher today is an awakener a facilitator, a mentor and a guide to young impressionable minds. Both parents and teachers need to join hands to dig deep to nourish the roots for a healthier tomorrow and fulfill the new aspiration of a modern society. There may be difficulties but both need to change the approach to look at them ,find solutions to the problems and bring up the children in such a manner that they are able to find new ways in this highly competitive world.
Standing water stinks, but moving water is always fresh and clear. Continuity gives us roots, change gives us branches. Let us together stretch and grow and reach new heights.